A few days ago, I was working on an old JavaScript codebase and trying to implement a new, complicated feature. Well, not that complicated. Eventually, any complex logic comes down to writing a few (hundred) lines of code that are converted into simple 0s and 1s, but for the sake of this blog (and my ego), we'll assume that the code was complex. When I was done writing the code, I thoroughly tested it and it passed the reviews at the organisation I am a part of and it was deployed to production soon after.
A few days later, late at night, I got a slack mention that the production API has stopped working and the error logs pointed at one of the functions I wrote!
The adrenaline kicked in (Never thought it was possible to get an adrenaline rush in the software development field) and I managed to patch the bug and within 15 minutes, everything was live again. While I did not get a scolding, the guilt and imposter syndrome kicked in. I apologised to my managers and what I got in response was what prompted me to start writing again. While I have written many blogs about movies and quora answers and whatnot, I have never tried writing a standalone technical blog. I always wanted to, but writing about my accomplishments never felt rewarding enough. So I have decided I am going to write about my flaws(and hopefully how I overcame them).
Oh, what was the bug and what did my manager say in response? Well, the bug was that I wrote the correct if statements, but in the wrong order. And my manager, well, the CEO of the startup, quoted a famous Mark Zuckerberg quote, "Move fast and break things". So here I am, moving fast, writing about the thing I broke and intend on breaking. Because If you aren't breaking things, you aren't moving fast enough and building something worthwhile.
But why should you spend your valuable time reading my blog when you could be watching reels? Well, you are either a friend or family of mine and I have forced you to read this or you are here because of the catchy title. Either way, here is a little intro of myself, which I shall try to update frequently!
At the time of writing this blog, I am a Third-year Undergrad enrolled in the course of Computer Science and Engineering. My college tells me that I have a specialisation course in AIML but I tell them that I am more into Backend Development and DevOps than AIMl. I am a technical lead at some amazing technical organisations at my university. Namely, SRMKZILLA (The official Mozilla campus club), Alexa Developers SRM, and TEDXSRMIST. Other than that, I am deeply motivated to improve India's healthcare infrastructure and fortunately, I am a part of Farmako, a health tech startup backed by Ycombinator. Other than that, I am just a nerd who would rather binge the new Game of Thrones prequel or try out a new framework or language than go out in the sun.
More about me later, I wouldn't want to run out of all the content in one blog, would I? What about you? Interested in having a chat over a cup of virtual coffee? Drop a mail and LinkedIn is always there... to bore us to death.